The GVSU Alumni Relations office empowers Grand Valley alumni to achieve their lifelong learning and professional development goals. We connect, inform, engage, and support alumni throughout every stage of their life and career.
Alumni Newsletter Database
Manage a newsletter or social media accounts? Let us know! Gaining a better understanding of how GV alumni are being reached digitally will help us all craft better communications plans.
Classroom Support
To request alumni data.
Let us know if alumni spoke at your event or in your classroom and we'll provide a gift to give them!
Alumni Networks
View a current list of Alumni Networks, supported by the Alumni Relations office.
Webpages to Share with Alumni
To share with alumni so they can update their information with Alumni Relations.
The hallmark of the university's new Laker Lifetime Learning commitment is $1,000 for alumni to use on future classes.
Alumni in 5 spotlights our outstanding alumni and the impact GV had on their lives. This form allows alumni to share their stories.
A directory intended to highlight and support the extraordinary accomplishments of our Alumni Owned Businesses.
Whether alumni are looking to explore career options, advance in their current job, or make a career pivot, the Career Center has resources for them.
What’s next is changing daily and GVSU is making sure our alumni can move forward supported by options and opportunity.
Every Grand Valley alumni, parent, student, and faculty member knows someone who would benefit from a GVSU education. We can help them receive it.
Emma is the email marketing software to assist departments/offices with the creation and sending of email campaigns. Find more resources here.
University Marketing provides tools to assist all those who create or disseminate materials.
Trying to remember which way does the apostrophe go before the graduation year?
Need help working in CMS? You'll find many resources here!
Want to create a pretty snazzy URL with fun statistics? Well, we want you to as well! Just go ahead and login above to get started.
The University Communications photography team is happy to assist you with your various photography needs.
Please use this form to request event videography as well as to submit requests for videos to be produced by University Communications.
The Promotions Office offers many services including design and print, photography, video, advertising, social media, and more!
Beat Reporters
Did you know that University Communications has beat reporters who cover all areas of the university? Find out who your beat reporter is and help supply them with story content.
Alumni Relations E-news Archive
Use Alumni Relations E-newsletter stories for content or design ideas in your newsletter.
A quarterly publication full of content for your newsletter, the Grand Valley Magazine features stories, campus news, alumni profiles and engaging photographs, bringing campus stories to life.
The GVU Foundation's newsletter reports on new directions and developments at Grand Valley. It is oriented to supporters and friends of the university.
Social Media
Social media is a powerful communications tool. Visit this page and contact the GVSU Social team for guidance.
A community for GVSU social media admins/managers to ask questions, share ideas and talk about trends and best practices.
This folder will continue to be updated with graphics for you to share on social media and in other promotions.
Alumni Giving Opportunities
To share with alumni when asking for financial gifts to the university.
Alumni can join the Loyal Laker program, giving $10 per month to the fund(s) of their choice.
General Resources
To view the number of alumni we have in each state, as well as in each Michigan county.
Learn more about what our alumni shared. Additional information is coming.
The Alumni Relations Annual Report provides a snapshot of our alumni and the ways we've helped them stay engaged during Fiscal Year 21-22.
The June 2020 CPAE Meeting focused on the Laker Lifetime Learning (L3) Commitment and how we can help spread the message to our alumni.