医学化验学, (又称临床检验科学或医学技术), 是一个本科领域的研究,准备毕业生成为认证医学实验室科学家(MLS)。. Medical laboratory scientists are essential healthcare professionals; they perform clinical laboratory tests that aid in the detection, 诊断, 监控, 以及疾病的治疗. 血, 组织, 尿液, 其他体液也会被检查和分析, 这些复杂化学物质的结果, 生物, 血液, 免疫, 微观, 细菌学测试为病人的医疗团队提供了重要的决策信息. Medical laboratory scientists work primarily in hospital settings; however, 工作机会存在于分子, 研究, 法医, 兽医实验室以及仪器培训/销售, 实验室管理, 和教育. Medical laboratory scientists are required to use significant analytical and independent judgment; their technical skills are in high demand. 预期的就业增长表明未来就业保障稳固.