Jillian Everhart, Spanish, BA Spanish, 2005
在…期间.5 years Jillian spent in GVSU, she studied abroad for a 学期在墨西哥,暑假在印度. 她会三种语言(英语, Spanish, and Hindi all at the native level). 吉莉安受益匪浅 从出国留学到GVSU.
Multiple studies link the benefits of language learning to:
的 following professions are seeing an increased need for language skills:
Language is considered a critical part of a liberal arts education. Part of 大峡谷州立大学's vision and strategic priorities are to "inspire and equip students to be active life-long learners and global citizens" and to require global learning of all undergraduate majors. This does not mean that we expect all students to become fluent, but instead to have exposure to a second language and culture, which in turn leads to practical language skills. 的 现代语言文学 Department's (MLL) language courses offer not just the chance to study a language, but to actively engage with another culture on its own terms. 多学习语言?
的 荣誉奖 is a learning lab and collaborative resource center for all students, 不仅仅是语言专业的学生, 这是一个社区的地方. 它的一些产品包括:
的 现代语言文学 Endowed 出国留学 Scholarship was established to encourage and assist language students to study abroad and gain life experience in the language they are studying at Grand Valley.
Studying abroad with Modern Literatures and Languages (MLL) is special because programs are 教师-Led.
我们即将推出新的 徽章 通过MLL,包括 多种语言的徽章 和 商务徽章跨文化流畅性. Please bear with us while we finalize the details.
在…期间.5 years Jillian spent in GVSU, she studied abroad for a 学期在墨西哥,暑假在印度. 她会三种语言(英语, Spanish, and Hindi all at the native level). 吉莉安受益匪浅 从出国留学到GVSU.
Ashley credits a strong undergraduate experience 和 skills she learned from studying abroad as a huge factor in her success today.
Trazy still uses her Spanish skills every day, whether greeting hungry families, or advocating on behalf of those who are looking for resources within the community, or providing cultural competency to programming 发生在移民社区内.