As we approach the busy holiday months, it is important to remind ourselves to remain grounded and present minded. 今年 continued to bring many changes, which often move us further away from 我们的中心点. Whether embracing loved ones or meal prepping, we must remember to take time for ourselves. 一种方法是 identify and effectively utilize our coping skills toolbox. 虽然 figurative, this toolbox can prove to be beneficial when we find ourselves stressed and need to have a break from our current environment.
- 保证充足的睡眠.
- 定期锻炼. 每天锻炼30分钟 a day can boost mood and reduce stress. 包括资源: 如何 制定锻炼计划.
- 建立一个社会支持系统.
- 设置优先级. Identify what needs to be completed 还有什么可以等. Saying no to a new task is helpful, especially if it is going to put you into overload. 包括资源: Time Management and Stress Management Tool Kit.
- 积极思考. 包括资源: 练习 Gratitude: Ways to Improve Positivity
- 尝试放松的方法. 正念,瑜伽,还有 meditation are great places to start.
- 寻求帮助. Talk with a mental health professional if you feel you are unable to cope, are having any suicidal thoughts or use drugs or alcohol to cope, or to work through the tools 上面提到的.
As always, remember that 包括学术用途英语 is here to help. 如果你愿意 like to meet with me this holiday season, please email me at (电子邮件保护) 安排 一个约会.
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