Mentor Teacher Information

Mentor Teacher's Information & Forms

Mentor Teacher Handbook

On behalf of Grand Valley State University's Graduate Teacher Certification Program, we thank you for allowing our GTC students to intern with you. Teachers who agree to host interns play a vital role in training future teachers and we applaud your willingness to work with our intern and to share your students with a novice teacher.

The Graduate Teacher Certification Handbook (available in the link below) contains information about the Student Teaching Internship semester that should be useful to both you and your Student Teacher Intern. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact your Student Teacher’s Field Coordinator or the GTC program. Again, thank you for your efforts and for collaborating with us.

View the Graduate Teacher Certification Handbook PDF


To view the Handbook PDF, you will need to use Adobe Reader (using Adobe Reader prevents tab order errors and other inconveniences present in browser-based PDF readers).

GTC Mentor's Video

Introduction to serving as a GTC Mentor Teacher

Introduction to serving as a mentor teacher in the GTC program.


Form for Elementary Cooperating Teachers

The following link is an additional form for Elementary Mentor Teachers only:

Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Form Word Document

Page last modified August 17, 2022