身体的一种状态, 情感, mental 和 社会 well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, 机能障碍或虚弱. Sexual health requires a positive 和 respectful approach to sexuality 和 sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable 和 safe sexual experiences, 不受胁迫, 歧视和暴力. 为了达到和维持性健康, 所有人的性权利都必须得到尊重, 受保护和满足.” (谁, 2006a)
Sex* refers to the biological characteristics that define humans as female or male. While these sets of biological characteristics are not mutually exclusive, 因为有些人两者都拥有, 他们倾向于将人类区分为男性和女性.
*在许多语言中普遍使用, “性”这个词通常用来指“性活动”, but for technical purposes in the context of sexuality 和 sexual health discussions, 以上定义是优选的. (谁, 2006a)
性健康是无法定义的, 性的:在没有广泛考虑性的情况下理解或操作的, which underlies important 行为 和 outcomes related to sexual health. 性的工作定义*是:
“……人类一生的一个核心方面就是性, 性别认同和角色, 性取向, 色情, 快乐, 亲密和繁殖. 性是在思想中体验和表达的, 幻想, 欲望, 信仰, 的态度, 值, 行为, 实践, 角色和关系. 而性可以包括所有这些方面, 并不是所有这些都能被体验或表达出来. 性受生物相互作用的影响, 心理, 社会, 经济, 政治, 文化, 法律, 历史, 宗教和精神因素.” (谁, 2006a)
According to the 2018 National College Health Association survey of GVSU students:
- 67.9%的学生在去年有过口交
- 64.4%的学生在去年有过阴道性交
- 18.4%的学生在去年有过肛交
- 42.5% of students that had vaginal sex within the last 30 days used a condom or other protective barrier most of the time or 总是
- 25.0% of students who had anal sex within the last 30 days used a condom or other protective barrier most of the time or 总是
- 86.7% of students (or their partners) used contraceptives the last time they had vaginal sex
- 10.8% of students had unprotected sex within the last 12 months 当 drinking alcohol
We can't possibly share all the information you might need for your sexual health while at GVSU 和 beyond. 但是,这里有一些我们信任的内容领域和资源!
- 金赛研究所 -博天堂官方网页人类性和人际关系的一流研究机构.
- 古特马赫研究所 - Provides a wide range of resources around sexual 和 reproductive health.
- Scarleteen ——包容, 全面的, supportive sexuality 和 relationships info for teens 和 emerging adults.
- 计划生育 - The For Teens page has information about sex, relationships, your body 和 more.
- 去问爱丽丝! - A question 和 answer service by a team of Columbia University health professionals.
- 安全性行为 - Check out our page on how to engage in safer sexual activity, physically, mentally 和 情感ly.
- 手套之爱:避孕套速成班 -你的避孕套指南,由我们的WIT同伴教育者撰写!
- 免费避孕套 - Partnering with 渥太华县公共卫生部, you can get free 避孕套 on campus. There are also limited numbers of dental dams 和 finger cots with RecWell.
- 当涉及到性健康时,禁欲对人们来说是一个安全的选择. 禁欲可以有多种定义, 这是什么,怎么做,有没有风险? 也可以看看我们的博客 禁欲、贞操和性决策!
- 床边.org (床边) - is an 在线 birth control support network for women 18-29 operated by 决定权, 怎样才能确保每个年轻人都有决定权, 当, under what circumstances to get pregnant—increasing their opportunity to pursue the future they want.
- 渥太华县公共卫生部 -提供许多性健康服务,包括节育选择, STI测试, 乳癌和子宫颈癌筛检及其他性健康问题. 不需要家长同意,所有服务都是保密的.
- 了解不同类型的节育选择从 我们的博客文章 博天堂官方网页这个话题!
- Yoppie的避孕 & 你的周期 探讨每种避孕方法如何影响你的月经周期
- 在GVSU做测试 -了解更多博天堂官方网页测试:为什么要进行测试, 测试是如何工作的, 要做哪些测试,在校园内或附近的哪里进行测试.
- 看看我们的博客 性传播感染以及如何预防!
- 从A到Z的性病 -揭秘美国性健康协会网站上的性病.
- 艾滋病毒.政府 - Learn basics 和 history of 艾滋病毒/艾滋病, prevention, testing, 治疗 和 living well with 艾滋病毒. 在你附近找一个艾滋病毒检测点.
- 避免 a UK-based charity that has been providing accurate 和 trusted information about 艾滋病毒 和 sexual health worldwide for over 30 years.
- 大峡谷家庭健康中心 - Among other services, offers PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) 和 PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis).
- 需要验孕棒吗?? 一些本地资源包括 全球之声家庭健康中心 靠近市中心GR校区, 校园健康中心 or 渥太华县公共卫生部 (荷兰,格兰德黑文或哈德逊维尔)
- 人类生殖进修课程 - Scarleteen does it again with a great blog on how pregnancy happens with reliable resources at the end of the blog.
- 弥尔顿E. 福特LGBT资源中心 - This on-campus resource offers resources for prospective 和 current students along with many programs 和 events to create an informed, 有凝聚力的, 校园里有不同性取向的社区成员, 性别身份, 性别陈述是受到支持和欢迎的.
- LGBT基金会 -查看他们的包容性性指南和其他资源.
- LGBTQ学生大学指南 - The guide offers materials for students transitioning from home to college life. 这篇文章涵盖了LGBTQ+的统计信息, 财政援助资源, 合法权益, 以及社区可能面临的心理健康问题.
- GVSU的受害者辩护律师 -来听听你的故事, 为你提供选择和资源, 无论你做什么选择,我都支持你.
- 强奸,虐待 & 乱伦国家网络) 是美国最大的反性暴力组织. RAINN创建并运营全国性侵犯热线(800.656.希望, 在线.瑞恩.org y 瑞恩.org/es)
- 韧性:倡导结束暴力 - Located in Holl和 和 is an agency that helps victims of 性侵犯 和 domestic violence. 该机构全天候提供性侵犯检查. 24小时服务热线是1-800-848-5991
- 基督教女青年会-中西部密歇根州 - Transforming lives with leadership programs for girls 和 全面的 prevention 和 intervention services to address domestic 和 dating abuse, 性侵犯, 跟踪, 以及儿童性虐待.
- 壹爱基金会 - a national non-profit organization with the goal of ending relationship abuse.
- EduMed - Preventing 性侵犯 in college: Student support 和 safety advice
- 准备好了吗?? - Scarleteen offers a 全面的 checklist to consider if you are ready to engage in sexual activity.
- 性健康的选择 is a Canadian based organization that cares about the healthy sexuality of all 和 offers 这些问题 在性决策方面.
- 沟通是关键 - Check out our list of communication topics (和 starter questions) as you talk about sex with your partner(s).
- 亚莎 - The American 性健康 Association provides info on common sexual difficulties.
- 和平健康性信息图书馆 - Learn more about Sexual health topics like common problems, injuries, illnesses.
Our WIT同侪教育者 have carefully curated a list of resources that are reliable for topics they think may be helpful to some college students. 这些资源包括:
*感谢密歇根大学 性健康资源页 对于这些资源中的许多.
这里有一些快速的小贴士,帮助你在青春期拥有健康的性生活 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 Mpox.
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎和m痘可通过多种方式传播. 它们不仅仅是性传播. But, given the close contact of sexual activity makes them easier to spread during such activities.
- 你是你最安全的性伴侣. 自我愉悦是一个很好的选择 也不会传播新型冠状病毒肺炎或m痘.
- Communicating with our partner(s) virtually (known as cybersex or sexting) is a great alternative that follows the 社会 distancing recommendation. 学习如何安全地做这件事! *另外,请注意 在密歇根州18岁以下发色情短信.
- 和你的同伴交谈 和 create a game plan on how you can limit your risk for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 Mpox.
- 如果你有新型冠状病毒肺炎或m痘症状, you should avoid close contact with others 和 get tested by a healthcare provider.
- 别忘了看看我们的 安全性行为小贴士 总是.
Here are some trusted resources to underst和 the risks of sex 和 intimate contact with the continued possibility of contracting Mpox.
- 预防 和 治疗 来自疾控中心的信息.
- The most up-to-date local information will come from local health departments 和 the 密歇根州卫生与公众服务部.