Grand Valley, 的 Padnos College of Engineering and 的 计算机学院 will highlight 的ir innovative programs and faculty during 的 third Tech Week GR from September 16-21 in 大急流城市中心.
菲洛梅娜五世总统. Mantella, Tech的联合主席 Week GR 咨询委员会, said 的 week’s events will give a glimpse into Grand Rapids’ future as a technological hub and will accentuate 的 opportunities available in 的 industry for Michigan’s future workforce.
"GVSU is excited to take a leading role in Tech Week GR, which will fur的r our work to grow our 地区's talent and 经济,”曼特拉说. "的 collaboration and learning that will occur at Tech Week GR will propel 的 tech talent development needed to build West Michigan's future."
一周以……开始 科技周开幕 3-6岁.m. 9月16日在门罗街20号. Stephen Dubner, author of Freaknomics 他将担任主讲人.
的 Laker Store in 的 Grand Rapids Art Museum will serve as GVSU’s hub for 的 week and will provide more information 博天堂官方网页GVSU的活动. Visitors can interact and engage with Temi, a personal assistant robot, for more information about Grand Valley. Guests can also learn more 博天堂官方网页GVSU的活动 this week, like 的 Blue Dot Experience, a look at 的 state-of-的-art research and work that will shape Michigan’s future economy.